My Religion

Dari Biswakalyan Bhuyan5 minit membaca


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What is my religion?

Am a hindu and i am proud of it.

Perhaps not everyone is proud of being born in hindu family that’s because we hindu don’t have do’s and don’ts our religion don’t force anyone to do a perticular activity this is why many of the peoples are going back from our tradition today in india 70% of hindu’s not even read there own scriptures whereas other religion has there daily preches like christian’s has there daily prayer they go to the churches and pray and muslims they go mosque for prayer but whereas more than 90% of hindus don’t go temple in there daily bases this is because of our education system it teaches us to be a liberal whereas being liberal is good at certain point but if you reject your own tredition then people will suffer from identity crisis.

I would rather don’t call myself as hindu i will call my self as sanatani.

Difference between hindu and sanatani

A hindu name is given by persians from the sanskrit word “sindhu” (indus river)

Sanatan dharma is not religion this is the common misconceptions are there between people that dharma means religion whereas dharma means moral, ethical duty, cosmic order, harmony, individual path, purpose and universal principles.

As per my opinion since hindu name is given by some random guys i don’t prefer calling my self as hindu instead i will call myself as sanatani

My religious background

I born in hindu family and my parents aren’t that religious they eat meat and other non veg stuff even i use to love eating non veg foods as time went i always had a thought that who is me why is me and soo onn. Back then i wasn’t proud being hindu i use to abuse our deities i don’t like to go temple and soo on i use to respect other religion but i use to blame mine typical sickullar mindset.

I always had thought myself about my existence since science don’t had proves i started reading philosophical books sitll i didn’t get my answer then one of my catholic friend recommended bible i read that indeed i started beliving in god and jesus i was got into religious stuff now

I started reading quran and other religious books but not hindu books still didn’t get my answers yet but i had no choice but read our own scriptures i started with gita yes finally i got my answer the answer was “This is the world of māyā and you have to escape the māyā”

What is maya?

Māyā means “illusion,” or that which is actually not. In the material world, everyone is identifying with his body. This false egoistic consciousness of “I am this body” at once develops after the child comes out of the womb. The mother and other relatives are awaiting the child, and as soon as he is born, the mother feeds him, and everyone takes care of him. The living entity soon forgets his position and becomes entangled in bodily relationships. The entire material existence is entanglement in this bodily conception of life. Real knowledge means to develop the consciousness of “I am not this body. I am a spirit soul, an eternal part and parcel of the Supreme Lord.” Real knowledge entails renunciation, or nonacceptance of this body as the self.

Since i got into religious things and after reading all those scriptures i had stop eating meat it was hard but i had developed my mindset in that manner but later on i started eating again because of my health couldn’t adopt the vegan dite so i have to start eating again and made decision after reching at certain age i will stop eating meat too.

During the study of this religious books i came to know lot of misconceptions like caste system which was used to study at our school times and all those are completely different as i knew when i use to study at school books.

Caste system in hinduism

Today’s society the caste is declared by birth but our books say’s completely opposite

Gita 4:13

चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागश: | तस्य कर्तारमपि मां विद्ध्यकर्तारमव्ययम् || 13||


The four categories of occupations were created by Me according to people’s qualities and activities. Although I am the Creator of this system, know Me to be the Non-doer and Eternal.

There are 4 varnas in hinduism those are brahman, kshatriya, vaishya and sudra. This varnas are seperated by guna (mentalitly or nature) and karma (physical or doing’s) that means if someone who born in sudra family if he/she has guna and karma as brahmin he will be known as brahmin.

Since i born from the rajput family which means i born in kshatriya family but i have black belt in kung fu and have skill of fighting i have the ruler kind of mind set so i call myself as kshatriya but whereas my father has a service background he is known as vaishya and my mom had good knowledge about mantras and our scriptures she is known as brahmin. This is how our caste system actually works.

Our political leaders had distroyed our tradition like gandhi and other congress leaders.

Converstion process in hinduism

We don’t have any conversion process
You have to born to be a hindu

Since hindu don’t convert be proud of your deeds that you got and protected by your ancestors.